StarWaves2 (OSX / Windows.)
StarWaves VR (Oculus Quest3, Quest Pro)
audio-visual synthesizer, VR app, sound texture creator, generative sound, sonic-art
designed&programmed by Sinan Bokesoy, preset sound designs by Laurent Mialon.
3D representation of sonic material, and use spatial tools like positioning and rotation in continuous transformations.
Built in a non-gravitational space and physical realm, the kinetic interaction of its elements and triggering of sonic events.
Here, the sound has no separate existence from space, time and motion. It is the result of a causal and visual narrative in motion.
transmitters sending particals or beams of light to trigger sonic events down to granular level with kinematic precision.
Capture different scene organizations and animate continuous sequences / transformations between them.
Realistic 3D visual for a perfect narrative medium. Also optional additional scene textures and designs. ( in app purchase )
Full control of app parameters with MIDI CC controllers. Also full OSC remote control. ( in app purchase )
Comes with 24 meticulously designed presets exemplifying true audio-visual art.